How Does Biden Fit into God’s Prophetic Plan?

Or, Why Did God Allow Biden to Become President? This past election many believers were troubled, believing that it was God’s will that Trump be elected for another four years; and yet when he wasn’t, many became dissolutioned, asking themselves “Where was God?  How could He allow this to happen?” Now, while it is important…

The Great Reset: Could this be the End Times Delusion?

What is this “Great Reset” we’re now hearing about? In a nutshell, the Great Reset refers to a global agenda to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance. The globalist technocracy is using the COVID-19 pandemic to bypass democratic accountability, override opposition, accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the public against our will. The…

End Times Sign: Mockers in the Last Days

I have just added another article on Signs of the End Times on my website It is entitled: In the Last Days Mockers Will Come, Saying “Where is the Promise of His Coming”? One of the signs leading up to the end times is the sign of “mockers” who will come, following after their…