New Article Added: “Why the Bible?”

We just completed a few weeks ago a series of small group studies on Apologetics – Why Christianity, Why Jesus?  As you know, according to the Bible, Christians should “always be ready to give a reason for the hope that lies within you”. This has never been more needful than today.  So many people in…

New Article: Judaism vs. Christianity

Greetings.  We just published a new article entitled “Judaism vs. Christianity” on our Evidence to Believe web site, under the “For Seekers” section. The article speaks to: The similarities between Judaism and Christianity The key differences (hint: Jesus) Biblical support for Jesus as the promised Messiah Biblical evidence for core Christian doctrines Key scriptures to…

New pages added to Evidence to Believe

We just completed a small group study on apologetics, and I am in the process of uploading new pages from this study to the Evidence to Believe web site.  These pages are organized under the tab “For Seekers”, and include…. Six Reasons to Believe Core Beliefs of Christianity Why the Bible? Judaism vs Christianity Atheism…