A Review of the Movie ‘The Young Messiah’…

Here’s a review of the new movie “Young Messiah’, from a Catholic online magazine… https://www.thecatholicthing.org/2016/03/12/developmental-divinity-a-review-of-the-young-messiah/ To quote the review:   “The movie fails to grasp the truth about Christ’s knowledge of Himself. It suggests that this confused, questioning prodigy had to be taught that He is God. But were that the case, as it clearly…

Unbroken: the Real Story Behind the Story

It’s JESUS that made all the difference for Louis Zamperini Recently, Greg Laurie recounted his memory of Louis Zamperini (Greg had met Louis at a recent Harvest Crusade held in Southen Califoria.  Said Greg:  “The fact of the matter is, if Louis Zamperini had not met Jesus Christ at a Billy Graham Crusade, his story…