Why is the Lord Jesus Christ Delaying His Coming?

As you know, I have been working on a series of article entitled the “End Times”. This series on last days or End Times is about the “signs” that are leading up the the return of the Lord Jesus Christ: an increase in lawlessness, a great “falling away” from the faith, global pestilences on the…

On the Miracle of the Incarnation

On the Miracle of Christ’s Birth Today’s guest post is based on the writing of Radix Verum, you can follow her on Gab here.  This Christmas, take some time to consider the miracle of Christ’s birth, arguably the single most important event in human history (photo from The Chosen): A miracle is an extraordinary phenomenon that…

End Times Sign: The Unveiling of the Anti-Christ

I have added a new articles to my series on “End Times Signs”. This one is on the unveiling of the Anti-Christ, what the Bible calls “the man of sin”, and the “son of perdition”. The terms “Anti-Christ” is used to denote that this person is certainly NOT the Christ or Messiah, but an imposter, a…

Why Believers Should Be Fearless!

In 2020 We Saw the Promotion of Fear Like Never Before By May of 2020, many started to realize that we had been taken. Yes, Covid-19 was a real disease, of a new type, and we realized we needed to handle it wisely, but many also realized the “sky was not falling” Yes, thousands were…

The Abundant Life: Sometimes Involves Trials

Introduction This is the story of a tough trial I went through two weeks ago, along with my son-in-law and my grandson (and a few others dragged into the process along the way). A few weeks ago we set out for a four day camp trip to the mountains of Sequoia, the land of the…

What is Heaven Like – Updated Article

I recently updated the article on “What is Heaven Like” by adding in some details around … A distinction between the “kinds” of Heaven talked about in the Bible – for example, the first heaven, the second heaven, and the “third heaven”, which Paul the Apostle was caught up into and referred to in on…

Male and Female – Two Genders, by Design

This article is about raising to your awareness the spiritual battle that is going on in society, across our country and the world, in schools, and in the mass media – that is, the war against gender. Children, preteens and teens are hearing that it is no longer “cool” to be a normal boy or girl…